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Food, fermentation and micro-organisms

Par : Type de matériel : TexteTexteLangue : Français Langue du résumé : Anglais Détails de publication : Oxford Blackwell 2005Description : 216 p. ill., couv. ill. en coul. 24 cmISBN :
  • 978-0-632-05987-4
Sujet(s) : Abrégé : Fermentation and the use of micro-organisms is one of the most important aspects of food processing, an industry worth billions of US dollars world-wide. From beer and wine to yoghurt and bread, it is the common denominator between many of our foodstuffs. In his engaging style Professor Charles Bamforth covers all known food applications of fermentation. Beginning with the science underpinning food fermentations, Professor Bamforth looks at the relevant aspects of microbiology and microbial physiology, moving on to cover individual food products, how they are made, what is the role of fermentation and what possibilities exist for future development. * Internationally respected author * Coverage of all major uses of fermentation in the food industry * Practical coverage of food processing in relation to fermentation A comprehensive guide for all food scientists, technologists and microbiologists in the food industry and academia, this book will be an important addition to all libraries in food companies, research establishments and universities where food studies, food science, food technology and microbiology are studied and taught.
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Fermentation and the use of micro-organisms is one of the most important aspects of food processing, an industry worth billions of US dollars world-wide. From beer and wine to yoghurt and bread, it is the common denominator between many of our foodstuffs.

In his engaging style Professor Charles Bamforth covers all known food applications of fermentation. Beginning with the science underpinning food fermentations, Professor Bamforth looks at the relevant aspects of microbiology and microbial physiology, moving on to cover individual food products, how they are made, what is the role of fermentation and what possibilities exist for future development.

* Internationally respected author

* Coverage of all major uses of fermentation in the food industry

* Practical coverage of food processing in relation to fermentation

A comprehensive guide for all food scientists, technologists and microbiologists in the food industry and academia, this book will be an important addition to all libraries in food companies, research establishments and universities where food studies, food science, food technology and microbiology are studied and taught.

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